Saturday, December 21, 2013

Week 25

Hey guys! How has everyone been? I've been feeling pretty good! My skin is continuing to improve each day and I haven't been flaring as much. Right now, the only problem areas are my hands and feet.  Other than that, my skin is just dry and sheds a lot, but that's ok! I just feel really great!

My face is oily. Yes, oily. I can't believe it!!! Before TSW, my face was always dry, no matter what kind of moisturizer I'd put on it. The only time it'd ever be oily is possibly in the summer, but very little. The skin on my face feels so normal now! I think the reason why it healed so quickly was simply because I didn't wash my face for like, two months. Not even with water. I know, it sounds gross, but I think it helped! When my face was oozing, I just couldn't stand putting anything on it, so I just completely left it alone.

Also, something else I must say is that this past week, I've been taking baths only once every three days!!! I remember when I used to take baths twice a day! Hopefully from here, I can keep reducing the amount of time I spend bathing because that's what's probably setting me back. I can spend up to five hours in the bath and I know that's not good! But whenever I am in the bath, my skin just feels so normal because I can move around so freely.

Well... Christmas and New Year's is coming up soon! I know it's going to be hard for a lot of us to enjoy it, but let's just all do our best!

This was a pretty tough year for me, but my mom keeps telling me lots of good things are waiting ahead of me next year. I do hope she's right!

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Week 21

Week 21... Wow, I have been feeling pretty good.  I've still been experiencing a lot of the same symptoms, but it is just MUCH less severe than before. 

I've only been experiencing this in a few spots like my hands, parts of my face, nipples, and ears. Wow, that's so much better than my full body ooze a few months ago.  

I still smell pretty bad, but I think it's only on certain parts of my body.  My hand usually smell horrible in the morning when I wake up. Probably from the ooze.   

Still very intense, but my scratching hasn't been too damaging like before

-Red from time to time, but it has calmed down a lot. My face no longer looks like a tomato 

Still dry and painful at times, but I no longer feel like I am being tortured lol

-Weight Loss
Not losing as much weight as before... Kinda disappointed about that. 

So here are some pics! My feet are probably what looks the worst right now. Other than that, I think I'm looking pretty good.

What an improvement, right? Starting month 6 in a few days!!!

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Finally Going Outside

I've been outside three days in one week! What a huge improvement! Since October, I've been all cooped up in the house because of the pain.  It's not only until recently that I started going out once a week to go to therapy, but it wasn't that much of a hassle. All I had to do was get into the car and my dad would drive me. Then I'd just go see my psychiatrist for 45 minutes and go back home.  

But now I'm starting to do more! I went out for a walk and shopped for groceries with my mom.  It doesn't sound like a lot, but boy, that's so much more than just sitting in the house all day! I'd say just about a month ago, I was stuck on the couch all day and couldn't even get up unless it was to eat or take a bath, and that was it.  

I gotta say though, even just going out for an hour can make me feel so exhausted. Once I get home, I lay down and end up not getting back up for the rest of the day.  It really uses up a lot of energy. So going out for more than 3-4 hours is kind of a no no for me right now. 

But hey! Soon enough I'll get better enough to go out everyday again! I can't wait for that to happen. There's so much I want to do! I've already written a huge list. 

I'm gunna upload some more pictures soon. Maybe in a couple days. Let's just say there's a lot of improvement. ;)

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Something Needs To Be Done

Remember when I was going on about home instruction and all that stuff? Well, after all that hard work my familyand I went through, we still got no help from the department of education, so I am going to enroll in online classes. 

New York currently doesn't approve of free public online high school, so I had to get my parents to pay for me to go to an online private high school. I feel kinda bad that my parents had to go this far for me. But then again, it's clearly not my fault that I wasn't approved for home instruction.  When they contacted my doctor, she told them that if I took the steroids, I should be able to go back to school with no problems. 

Well I just gotta say, "Thanks, doc!"

It's just really unbelievable that my parents spent hundreds of dollars taking me doctor to doctor just to find someone who will give me a note and support my decision to not use steroids, yet in the end, no one could help. Not only that, there was no other option I had for a free high school education.  What the heck?

This is probably the only time I've ever felt, or even thought about dropping out. I mean, could you really blame me? Here I am feeling like crap and looking like crap, and then on top of that, I have to do all of these things to prove that I am too sick to go to school? And even after all that, I still don't get approved?

Talk about unfair.  Aren't there any other options for people like us? I mean, none of us never wanted things to become like this. We never asked to have TSW. Why do we have to feel so helpless?

Monday, November 11, 2013

1 week of.....

 No neck oozing!!!!

I feel like celebrating.  My neck had been oozing everyday since August. Even one day of no oozing seems like a celebration! Let's hope it stays this way. But even if it doesn't, I'm still happy that my skin has made such an improvement!

 I still keep a towel around my neck out of habit lol.  I just don't feel safe without it.  There's absolutely no reason I even need it though. Unless I want to continue to be stared at in public for it. Especially when it's no longer summer and you can't pretend you just have it because you're sweating. 

Oh well, haha. Hope it's a good day for everyone.~

Monday, November 4, 2013

Week 18

Hey guys! Feels like it's been a while since my past post here. Figured I'd start doing my weekly post more randomly now because sometimes I just have no idea what to talk about or I'm just too tired to lol.  

Anyway, lots of stuff has been going on.  I don't know where to start. Well first off, I guess I'll say that these past few days, my skin finally started to calm down! I feel so happy because I've been in a horrible flare that lasted over a whole month, and it drove me crazy.  

One thing I noticed... A lot more hives. I don't know why I'm getting them, but I just do. One night I got them and the next day, my body was covered in bumps that looked like pimples. Yea... Really gross. Thankfully, it went down in about two days.  

Next, here's a picture of all the hair that fell out when I was washing it... I got really sad. I hope this doesn't continue for too long. 

Also, the redness and swelling started to come back. Just when I thought it was gone for good... Well it's not as bad as month two.  The redness is more separated and the swelling is tolerable.  

I've noticed that my skin has been healing at a quicker rate than before. It's exciting because for weeks, I'd look exactly the same and feel like there was no improvement. I don't know if it's because my flare is just calming down and I'm beginning a break, or if my body is just simply starting to heal faster, but we'll see what happens.  

My calf finally started healing. It's hard to tell in this picture, but there has been so much improvement!!! It's been like this for over two months now, so I'm really happy right now. 

On Friday, I had my first session of therapy. I might talk about it more in detail in a separate post, but for now, I'll just say that so far, I like it! I feel like it's a nice way to let out all these crazy emotions I'm having because for the past few weeks, all I do is cry to my poor mom and I don't want her to feel so bad. 

November has just begun. Finally finished four months. Month 5, here I come! 

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Week 15 + 16

Ok so I've been in this horrible flare for over a month now.  I think I'm going to go crazy if it doesn't calm down soon. 

Recently, I've been noticing a lot of new things.  

-Lots of pins and needles
-oozing around collarbone and chest area
- not to gross anyone out but..... Oozing from my nipple (yuck!!!)

One day I was feeling really itchy and next thing I knew, there were hives all around my back. The next morning, I was surprised when I woke up to my body all damp. There was sweat coming from my back and stomach.  I knew this was definitely not ooze. I had the full body ooze before in month two and it felt nothing like this. It wasn't all sticky. I just couldn't believe I was sweating so much! I was really excited, but felt gross at the same time, so I got out of bed even though I wanted to sleep a bit longer. 

I started oozing from my nipples and it's really gross.  Just when I thought I had experienced everything, this happens. I hope this doesn't last too long because it's already driving me nuts. 
I've had no energy these past few weeks.  Most of the time I've just been lying on the couch watching tv or playing video games. The only time I get up is to go eat or take a bath. I feel like I've been so unproductive.

Sorry I only have one picture, I just don't even feel like looking at my skin most of the time.  Once I get out of the bath, I cover myself up with clothes and try to keep my mind off of my skin for the rest of the day if I can. 

I couldn't really get a good picture of my face. This picture really sucks. My face looks far worse than this in person.  In fact, when I saw myself in the mirror, I felt bad for whoever had to talk to me for more than five minutes cause it just looked horrible. Every time I scratch, or even if I try to moisturize it with something like oil, it oozes a lot. I've just been trying my best to leave it alone.  

Well I hope I start to feel better soon, even if it's just a little. 

Monday, October 7, 2013

At the Pediatrician

Hm, there's been so many changes going on recently, so I'm probably going to start posting more again. Right now, I'd like to talk about my visit to my pediatrician.

So just like all the doctors I've been to, my pediatrician told me that I needed to take steroids. I tried to tell her that I believed that the reason why my skin was so bad was because my body got used to the steroids since I've been using it for so many years. She kept talking over me, saying that it's not true and that I wan't properly maintaining my body. I also tried telling her that my face has never been this bad, and I never had to use steroids on it before. But she just wouldn't listen to me and refused to believe in anything I told her.

She examined my legs and told me that I had an infection. I wondered why the doctor I went to the day before didn't tell me or prescribe me any antibiotics. Anyway, she said that my body looked really bad. She prescribed me oral steroids, topical steroids, antibiotics, and hydroxyzine (which I believe is also known as Atarax). I decided I'd take the antibiotics and the hydroxyzine, and obviously you guys already know I'm not going to take the steroids. She told me that if my skin got any worse, she'd have to send me to the hospital.

Then, she finally looked at the medical papers I needed to get signed. At first, she said that four weeks should be good enough time for me to stay home from school especially since I'd be "taking the steroids." I didn't want to tell her I wouldn't be taking them because I was afraid she really would make me go to the hospital, or even refuse to sign the papers. But then I told her that my guidance counselor recommended I stay home for as long as I need to get healed, and that school has been really tough for me, so she changed her mind and put three months.

I don't know what my skin will be like three months from now, but boy am I glad it wasn't going to be only four weeks. Now all I have to do is submit these papers and pray that I get approved.

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Week 14

As I type this, I am currently in the doctors office. Wednesday's appointment didn't really go so well. The doctor was very rude. I've made an appointment with my pediatrician today, hoping that I would have some luck. I feel like this is the only hope I have left. I just can't stand being I school anymore, it's too much for me.  

Hm, I don't really have much to say except for the fact that my chest started oozing a lot. Yuck. And in between my fingers too. 

I just wanted to update you guys with some pictures.  

My nasty calf.  

My foot which is also very nasty. It really hurts when I have to put on shoes. 

My arm, which isn't so bad. :)

 The palms of my hands

Thursday, October 3, 2013

More School Problems

I know this is one of the many posts I've made about school, but I felt like this one is really important.  Not just for children and teens, but for everyone reading this, and it bothers me so much.  

So lately, as you know, I've been having a really hard time at school.  On Wednesday, I talked to my guidance counselor with my mom about everything. She was very supportive about what I was doing and said I was very bright.  She told me I could try getting home instruction.  

Basically in home instruction, the city pays teachers to come over to your house to teach. I thought this was a great idea. But it turns out theres a big problem.  

First, I need to find a doctor to fill out the form saying why I can't attend school. I was expecting that, but what I wasn't expecting was that there was more to it. Next, the city would have to review it and decide whether or not I'm eligible or not. 

Which means that there must be a pretty darn good reason why I'm medically excused.  But it's not up to what I say, it's up to the doctor.  The doctor who I get to sign the paper must write something super convincing, and you know what that means. I need to find a REAAAALLY good doctor who supports me. Just finding a doctor who agrees to sign it just won't cut it. They really need to let them know just how severe my case is.  

But how will I find a doctor like that??? This is so complicated because this is just a "choice"  I'm making and all this can be avoided if I just take the steroids. This is how many people see it as and it's very frustrating. 

I'm very annoyed by the fact that something that we're going through is so serious, but there's so little we can do about it. With other conditions and illnesses, people have supporting doctors that can do so much for them, like help them get time off of work. 

But us? What do we have?

I have a doctor's appointment on Friday, and I'll probably try to get in some more next week. We are going to be on a crazy search for a doctor who can help me. Until everything is complete, I have to continue trying my best to attend school. I need all the luck I can get right now.  

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Week 13- End of Month 3!!!!

Ok so tomorrow ends month 3!!! I can't believe it.  However, I haven't really been feeling much better.  It's really frustrating because just a few weeks ago, I finally thought I was getting better, but now I feel as bad as I did month 2. There is slightly less ooze than month 2, but there's still a lot. My face has been feeling horrible. It's bright red and oozing. It's also the most sensitive part of my body right now. Anything I use makes it turn red and irritated.  I'm using coconut oil for it because it's the only thing that doesn't make my face sting, but I still get a bad reaction to it.

On Tuesday I turned 17. I tried my best to enjoy my birthday, but I still continued to think "if only I didn't have to go through this, my day would've been perfect." My friends and family tried their best to make this day special for me, and I thank them so much. 

School has been so tough for me. I can't concentrate in class and I am missing so much homework since I am so preoccupied in my skin. My mom and I decided to set up an appointment with my guidance counselor on Wednesday to talk about what should I do about school. I can't wait because honestly, I'm completely fed up with everything. I know that if this keeps up, my grades are going to drop by a lot. I used to be a 90+ student, but the way things are looking now, I'd be lucky to get an 80 on my report card. Ugh. 

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Weeks 11 + 12- Oh, the stress~

These past two weeks have just completely tired me out.  I've never been so stressed! I started school on Monday two weeks ago, and let me just say, things were definitely harder than I had expected.  

All day for the whole week, I was faced with people asking me a whole bunch of questions and comments. 

What happened? Are you okay? Your face is so red! Are you sick? It looks like you got sunburnt! I'm serious, it's really red, Do you want to look in my mirror? Is  it contagious?

Almost every single person I talked to had something to say about my skin. Ifnot, they were probably just being polite. Weird thing is, for once in the past few weeks, my skin actually felt a whole lot better.  When I saw myself in the mirror, I thought I looked a whole lot better too. I just couldn't believe it was so noticeable.  Back when I had regular eczema, I hardly ever got questioned. 

Somehow I lasted the whole week of school, but I really hated it. I have never been so unconfortable.

And then week 12 came. I thought I was finally improving and then, bam! As soon as I got my time of the month, I got myself into a horrible flare! My face was red, irritated, and cracked.  It was oozing a whole lot, and so were my legs.  The back of my knees were still weeping a lot, and so was one of my calves and my feet. I could hardly even walk. It was so painful. I stayed home from school from Tuesday till the whole week!

I feel so guilty for missing four days of school when it just started two weeks ago! I usually miss four days of school for the whole entire year! I'm scared that I missed out on a lot. I don't want my grade to drop. All of this is just stressing me out, and I can't find a way to relax myself.  

Today it's Sunday and I still feel icky. I really have no choice but to go to school tomorrow. My birthday is on Tuesday, and it definitely doesn't feel like it. I don't eat my birthday to come so soon! Why can't it wait until I get a little better? I want to at least look and feel a little decent on my birthday.  

Well here's some pics...

Here's my face when I woke up one morning.  Sorry if I scare you guys. This was from one of the days i stayed home from school.  

Hmm....... On the bright side.....
I think my stomach looks pretty good! My back is pretty good too! Unfortunately, this is the only picture I have of my stomach, but I really did improve so much!!!!! Starting around the middle of July, my stomach and back were so dry and flaky and so much skin would fall off.  It was so painful and I could hardly get up in the morning. It would hurt to bend my back in any way.  I remember I would be in so much pain when I bent down to pick up something. Now, I'd like to say that my stomach and back is almost, if not, completely healed. It's just a bit dry and discolored, and that's about it.  

I try to look at my stomach everyday and tell myself that this is proof that I am healing. The rest of my body might look like a complete mess, but I will get better. 

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Week 10 Back to School!

So tomorrow I start school.  I a bit scared with how this is going to turn out.  This is the first time in going to be out of my house for so long in one day.  Classes begin at 7:40 and don't end till 4:00!! Not to mention, commuting round trip is about two hours or so. So I will be out of the house for about 11 hours a day! I don't know if my body can handle all that. The AC in the trains and classrooms  dry out my skin so much and it's very painful.

I hope people aren't too surprised with my appearance. A lot of them haven't see me the whole summer, I hope it isn't a shock. 

My arms actually look pretty good though.  

My legs... There's still a lot of weeping and its still a bit swollen. They might look bad, but I have to be honest, it doesn't feel that bad.  

My face and neck. Probably the only parts of my body that are actually painful and annoying at the moment. My face doesn't look bad at all in the picture, but that's probably the lighting. The dryness and the peeling hurts a lot. I do think my eyelids look a lot better though. As for my neck... It's probably just as painful as it looks. There's a lot of oozing and it's hard to turn around.  

Buuuuut, I am feeling somewhat positive right now because of the improvement! I am nowhere as miserable as I was a few weeks ago! Now if only I could stop caring about what people in school will think of me.... That would probably take off so much stress. I guess TSW will help me realize that IT DOESN'T MATTER WHAT OTHER PEOPLE THINK!!!!!! Right now I'm not 100% at that stage of thinking, but I think I'm getting there. 

Friday, August 23, 2013

Am I Winning?

"You know, school is starting soon. You should probably... Start taking your cream again."

What? No no no no no. How could my dad be saying this to me? 

I strongly objected to his idea. No way could I possibly start using steroids again after all my hard work. It's already going on almost 2 months!!

My dad was worried about me, I knew that.  How would I go to school when some days I can hardly walk or have the energy to do anything? What if my skin got worse and got an infection? 

So I agreed with my dad that I would go to the doctor. I was scared out of my mind. I've read so many stories of the dreaded experience of people going to ignorant dermatologists who didn't believe in steroid addiction. I was even more terrified because I didn't want my dad to side with the doctor. But I was hoping that since I was going to a family doctor instead of a dermatologist, they would be more understanding. Boy, was I wrong.  

The next day, I took a bath before I got ready to go to the doctor. When I got out, my skin felt like it was burning.  I knew burning was the most common symptom of TSW, but my skin was hurting so badly. I tried to put my cream on and put my clothes on. I was getting late for my appointment, and all I through on was a tshirt and some sweats. By the time I got into the car, I realized I needed a sweater. My skin hurt so much and I hated the way the air felt on me. I was also cold since I still had trouble regulating my body temperature. Not to mention, I was having my time of the month, which really sucked. And then I became overwhelmed. I bursted into tears in the car.  

When we got to the doctor's office, I was still crying uncontrollably. I didn't know what was wrong with me. I never cry in public, but I was probably just so stressed out. The ladies at the front desk looked astonished. By the time I calmed down, my skin was still hurting and I was freezing cold. I I overheard the ladies talking to my dad, saying that the doctor would be late and probably wouldn't arrive till a half hour. I begged my mom to let me into the car where it was warmer. The ladies were questioning my parents what was wrong with me and telling them that the heat would aggravate my skin more. My mom told them that I really did feel cold, so they took us to a room that was warmer. They then began to take my temperature. 98 degrees, normal. One of the ladies told me they had to take blood from me. 

"You're not afraid of shots, are you?" She asked and laughed. I felt like i was bring treated like a little baby. I guess it made sense since I came in looking like an emotional wreck. 

She held my arm and looked at it. "We have a patient whose skin looks like yours. It's much worse."

I really felt like she was telling me that I was in no position to cry right now. Which really made me upset because I was in so much pain right now and she would never know. She would just think of me as some over dramatic teenager that probably goes crying to her mommy if she got the littlest cut. 

So anyway, the doctor arrived an hour late. I was hoping that this was all going to be worth the wait. When he walked in, he was all jolly. He asked me the usual questions a doctor asks a patient with eczema. You know what I mean. If you've gone to many dermatologists, you've probably gotten tired of the same old questions and memorized the same replies you always make. 

I clearly told him that I have quit using topical steroids for almost two months, and that I don't want to take them again. He examined my body, and despite all of that, he started talking to my parents about prescribing me some steroid cream and ORAL STEROIDS. He also said he'd prescribe me some antibiotics. 

I was getting angry that he wasn't listening to what I said. Before I could even speak, my dad told him that oral steroids was probably what I needed since my whole body was inflamed. 

I couldn't believe it, he was winning my dad over!!!!! I was getting so mad that the tears were coming back up. I tried to hold them in, but I was just so upset that my dad was listening to this guy. 

My mom saw me crying and told me gently, "You can speak up, Erena." 

So I told the doctor again, "I don't want to use steroids." 

The doctor laughed and said, "You're skin won't get better unless you take it. Take the oral steroids today and tomorrow you'll feel muuuch better!"

I was terrified by this guy's enthusiasm in his voice. I watched as he wrote down the three prescriptions and handed them to my dad. I immediately left the room with my mom and rushed to the car, I didn't want to see anyone's face right now. 

"It's okay, you don't have to take the steroids, Erena. You're working so hard, I know you can do it" my mom said. 

"Thank you so much for supporting me Mommy."

Once my dad arrived to the car, I told him right away, "Okay, I might take the antibiotics. but I'm not taking the steroids."

He began to argue back, "what are you going to do with your skin like this?? Who knows how long this is going to go on!!?"

"She's already made up her mind and nothing will make her change. Go ahead and buy the steroids, but she won't use them," said my mom. 

At that moment, I was so happy. My mom truly was amazing. 

My dad drove to Walgreens to drop off my prescription. When he came back , I was surprised to see that all he got were the antibiotics. For sure, I thought he'd buy the steroids anyway, thinking that I might change my mind. But he didn't. I guess he's starting to realize that I'm not giving up. 

So I guess you can say I won? 

Monday, August 19, 2013

Week ... 7?

So last week I had said I was on week 5, but it turns out I was on week 6 because I didn't realize July had 5 weeks. Kinda made me happy that I am slightly farther into tsw than I thought :D

So my skin this week.... To sum it up in one word, it would be a rollercoaster! I never knew I could have so many ups and downs in just one week! Monday through Thursday, I was mostly oozing. Friday, things started to dry up, and by Saturday, I was a flaky mess!!!

My mood was horrible for most of the week, but Saturday, I actually had a lot of fun. I went to a Japanese festival in New Jersey! (I am half japanese) Friday night, my mom was worried about me going because I looked so sick and miserable, but I told her that I really wanted to go. I usually go there every year, and I didn't want to miss out this year either just because of my skin. I wanted to have fun. I didn't want to spend the rest of my summer vacation in my bed like a sick person.

When Saturday arrived, I was surprised that i felt so much better. I felt so lucky! I had such a great time, despite flakes falling off me everywhere I walked. Of course things would've been even more fun if I didn't have to worry about my skin so much. My legs ached a bit, so I still couldn't really walk too much.  My mom noticed they looked really swollen. I think I have edema? It's been like this for the past 3-4 days. 

Sunday, my skin started oozing again. Like, a lot. I had a towel next to me the whole day. And that night, the oozing was terrible. Every part of my body was wet and it was so hard to sleep. I also felt like my body heating up, but whenever I took off the covers, I would get cold. 

Anyway, here are some pictures I took this week. 

Right here I was waiting for the train...

This is my skin after I get out of the shower.  It's really red at first, but as the day goes by, the color goes down a bit. When I'm lucky, it's not too noticeable. 

Here's me and my mom :D

And that's how my week went, guys :D I may be going through a hard time, but I hope I can still spend my days happy and less stressed just like I did on Saturday. VIRTUAL HIGH FIVE FOR POSITIVE THINKING!! <3

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Things Will Get Better

My skin, as usual, is very dry today. Thee is a lot of flakes. looked at myself in the mirror and it looked like I was growing a white beard!  I just can't find anything that will moisturize my face. My face used to get really dry before tsw, but never this dry! I hope it's not too noticeable because I don't want my friends to see. My friends are all great and I know they will all support me, but that still doesn't stop me from feeling embarrassed.

I feel like my skin is getting a little better each day. It was a whole lot less painful to get out of bed this morning. I know I should be happy that I'm physically improving, but emotionally, I'm getting worse each day. People are starting to notice how tired and unhappy I look. I'm never like this.  Whenever something happens, I'm usually able to smile through it, but now it's so hard and I feel like I'm giving off a terrible vibe to people.  

Sometimes I just feel like taking a break from this all. Like, just for one day, I won't have to worry about my skin at all.  I'd be able to concentrate in class. Get more rest. Hang out with my friends and eat all the junk they eat and wear what they wear. 

But I'm definitely not giving up, I've worked so hard to get up to this point and It would all just be a waste if I were to quit. I probably wouldn't even be able to forgive myself.  Once this is done, it'll all be worth it because I can finally become a normal teenager.  Yes, I only have about three years until I'll be 20 and no longer a teen, but that's just enough time for me to catch up on everything I was never able to do or enjoy because of my skin.  

Monday, August 12, 2013

Feeling Better

I feel so much better today than I did these past four days or so. My skin is still red and sore, but I can move my body around freely! It is a rainy day today which means humidity, but my skin still gets really dry somehow.

I am a bit nervous going out today, I hope I will be ok. I'll be gone for 7 hours in a classroom with an AC on full blast, which is probably going to dry out my skin further. Not only that, my body temperature is still out of control. Last night I could only get about two hours of sleep because of this. I don't know how I'm going to heal if I can't even get enough sleep.

Sunday, August 11, 2013

My Eyelids

My eyelids are always feeling so dry. I also look like I got punched in one eye because the other one isn't as discolored.  It sucks because as much as I love make up, I can't put anything on at all. 

But with my glasses, it kinda hides most of it. Although I do have those times when people notice and ask what happened to my eye. Sometimes they also think I'm wearing eyeshadow. 

The rest of my face gets really dry and red in some parts, but luckily, I don't get any bad rashes. I just hope it doesn't get too bad. 

This is me a few weeks ago when my skin was more under control, I just can't wait for me to feel that way again. 

Week 5

Right at this moment as I type, I am in my bathtub. I grinded up some oatmeal and put some inside.

The lighting is really weird in this picture.

I feel really miserable today. These past few weeks I have been feeling hot one minute and cold the next.  I was having such a hard time sleeping last night because I'd be shivering one minute and then steaming hot the next.  I've been sleeping with huge thick covers AND the fan on at the same time. 

Also, I have been setting alarms to wake me up in the middle of the night so I can put some cream on. I'd say it kinda helps because if I sleep right through the whole night, I end up feeling so dry in the morning that it hurts so much to get up.  It is extremely painful and probably one of the worst parts of my day. Once I am able to get up, I try my best to run to the shower for relief.

I'm a bit scared about school starting in September because this is just so time consuming. Everyday this summer, I've just been so preoccupied with my skin. What's going to happen when I'll have to be in school for almost 8 hours a day? Not to mention, it takes me about a total of 2 hours to commute to and from school each day since I go to school in Manhattan. I don't want to miss days of school just because of my skin. This is my senior year!

Today, my skin has been aching from scratching all over. I feel horrible for letting myself scratch so much. My skin is starting to ooze, which is really disgusting    . I also feel like I smell bad. Tomorrow I have summer college classes. There are only six more days left to the program, so I do not want to be absent, but I just don't know what I'm going to do. What am I going to wear? I haven't shaved my legs in a while and my skin looks terrible, so I feel uncomfortable showing my skin. But if I put jeans on, I feel like I'd irritate my skin more and that the ooze will get all over it. 

Looks like it's time to go shopping for more loose and comfortable clothes. But that's a bit hard to do when all you see in the stores are skinny jeans and other tight clothing. So I'd like to know, what do you guys wear when you are going out?

Here Marks The Beginning of My Blog

Hello everyone! My name is Erena and I am currently a high school senior. I have been dealing with eczema for as long as I can remember- pretty much all of my childhood. I have started using steroid creams for possibly around 8 years or so. Being a senior, I am thinking about many different options for college. Going to  college away from home will definitely be a definite no if my skin doesn't get any better, so that is why I am hoping that things will get better soon. I do not want to have to limit my choices just because of this skin condition of mine.

So far, I have been dealing with TSW for a little over a month now, I'd say about 5 weeks or so. Let me just tell you, things are definitely not pretty. I wish I had started this blog from day 1, but I have never even thought about doing so until now. Right now, I feel like I'm at the worst point I've ever been in years, and I feel like I just have to let everything out. It would be great to have everyone's support. I also help that my blog will be able to help someone out there.

I'm currently 16 going on 17. Yes, I do seem to be like one of those annoying teenagers at times. I'm a bit childish and a whiny crybaby. But just think about it, if I can do it, then I know that anyone else reading this can do it too.